Thursday, May 24, 2007

Grind's My Gears

You know what really grinds my gears? These young teenage girls who wander around wearing almost nothing showing off what they have....I mean come on, you are basically still a kid....wear something more appropriate for your age. Yeah I know, you are just trying to get attention, well let me tell you this chicky, you are definitely getting attention, but it isn't the type of attention you should want. Its annoying to see people who are in there early to mid teens (13-16) who just flaunt what they have. You are still basically a kid! Act your age and wear something appropriate for your age group. Sheesh. Nobody should wear stuff that reveals too much. And here is another tip for you young teens who are, how should I put this, umm......more....gifted in the chest area.....maybe the flimsy paper thin t-shirt isn't for you...especially if you don't choose to wear a bra.....if you choose to wear a shirt like that, wear a bra....nobody wants to see your reaction to the fact that it is cold outside. And that's what grinds my gears. Stay tuned for more of "Grind My Gear's"


Artemis said...

Stupid girls.

Anonymous said...


Christine said...

oh my :S

Anonymous said...

I think the new "Grind My Gears" segment is the best thing to happen to the WWW since free email!

Anonymous said...

Do you find these young girls are just trying to catch the attention of the sound guy? I'll bet you get some groupies... I hear young girls find technical prowess really attractive.

Anonymous said...


That blog was so good, it was worth the wait

Finding the Real OMG Moment said...

I totally understand the clothing issue with the teens. I work at a high school. So summer time is hoochie summer. Thats what grinds my gears. Love it.