Wednesday, May 30, 2007

You know What Really Grinds My Gears?

Y0u know what really grinds my gears? People who decide that it is ok to take what someone says in a blog entry and turn it into an insult against the blogger. You know what? It is not fair. I mean, someone makes a general statement about how young teens dress, and maybe gives a fashion tip or 2, and then you turn it around and make some crack about the blogger's weight? I don't mind people having an opinion on what I have to say, but when you take something like that, and then verbally insult the blogger with the intent of hurting their feelings, that is just wrong. And what makes that worse is you don't even have the guts to sign your name to the comment. You just shield yourself behind being anonymous. If you don't like what I have to say, then fine, but don't be rude. If you do have a problem with what I have to say or want to voice your opinion, then at least put your name to your comments. To comment on someones blog and insult them without putting your name is a sign that you are a coward.


Anonymous said...

You may want to tone down the language a bit, but the point is well made.

DJK said...

post has been editted

Anonymous said...

Hmm..well, I say that I have to agree with Kevin..I mean being rude on someone's page is not the way to go..

SherBear said...

Have you really not had anything else grinding your gears in the past 2 weeks sir?
Sad. I should have a grind my gears section. It'd be filled daily :p

Anonymous said...

Life must be wonderful. Nothing has ground your gears in days!