Monday, May 28, 2007

New Grind my Gears Segment

You know what really Grinds my Gears? These people who think it is cool to break into someones vehicle and steal stuff....I mean, come on...get a frigging life....I realize you are just trying to support a habit or whatever, but don't break into my vehicle to support it....I have 2 words for whoever was the one who broke into my truck and stole my vacuum, but I cannot say those words. All I can say is you better hope that if you have the balls to attempt to get into my truck again, that you get away quickly, and aren't caught on camera otherwise you will have trouble. And thats what Grinds my Gears.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have two words for this blog: Sheer Greatness.

Whatever grinds your gears, grinds my gears, Kev!