Monday, April 09, 2007

I have returned

Ok everyone, just to make things clear, I have returned. And I am enjoying being back....Even though I enjoyed living in the Okanagan for a week, I am glad to be home amongst all my friends, and back behind the sound board at cariboo :)


Anonymous said...

and we are glad to have you back!

Anonymous said...

has there ever been any competition behind the board? Like have you ever had a person try to steal your spot? If so, what would you do?

Anonymous said...

Tell us about the David Courtney dilemna.

DJK said...

I have never had competition behind the board. No one has ever tried to take over. As for the David Courtney dilemma, I have no idea what that would be

Anonymous said...

Common Kev, why aren't you blogging?

Have you resettled?

Blog Blog Blog!

Anonymous said...

I hear you had a little disagreement with Rob Muir over the soundboard. Please do tell!

DJK said...

I've never had a disagreement with him. He does sunday morning sound, and I do the recording, and the evening sound....Our paths never cross so I dont have any problems with him

Anonymous said...

If you were to give one critizism about Sunday morning sound, what would it be?

DJK said...

my one critizism of the Sunday morning sound is that the piano is never turned needs to be turned up so it can be picked up on the recording

Anonymous said...

So kev,
Why haven't they ever asked you to do sound in the AM? Is there a power struggle?

DJK said...

there is no power struggle. I dont want to do the AM sound. I do the AM recording, and the PM sound, and thats the way I like it.

Anonymous said...

Hey Kev,

Do you think the AM sound is harder to do than the PM sound, or visa versa?