Sunday, April 01, 2007

first day

Just thought I would post again. I had a good nights sleep after unpacking all my stuff...sort of...anyways, I woke up around noonish today, and basically for most of the day hung out with some friends up here. I start the new job tomorrow which will be interesting. At this point being up here is nice, however, I may be having second thoughts. I really miss everybody in Vancouver, and miss doing my stuff at the church. Don't get me wrong, I am hoping that I start feeling better, and I want things work out up here, but I may end up coming all depends on my first week of work. I dont want to just give up and come home, but if this emotional state I am in doesn't go away, then I may consider coming home to Vancouver. For some reason, I just dont think that this is what God had in mind for me. I want to come back to Cariboo.... :(

1 comment:

Christine said...

I will ditto what dad said.

We do miss u here, but we know that you will be fine up there.