Monday, April 02, 2007

first day of work

Ok, first day of work....well, it was a good day, all the concerns I had about being away from home was ok. I didnt even think about it all day. However, I just dont think this job is for me. My knee is killing me so bad. I think i am going to work one more day, and then end up leaving that job. I just dont think I can handle it with my knee. So, I will most likely be coming home easter weekend. At least I can get my old job back with Enterprise. I left on good terms and have an open door there for me.


Dare said...

Brother, as much as we all want you back... Sleep on it - Pray on it, - Wake up looking forward to the day God created See how it goes...

...But if the Easter Bunny hides a Kevin Bacon under our tree, that will be great!

Dare said...

Brother, as much as we all want you back... Sleep on it - Pray on it, - Wake up looking forward to the day God created See how it goes...

...But if the Easter Bunny hides a Kevin Bacon under our tree, that will be great!

Anonymous said...

and after you do all that, it may be time to cut your losses.

If you are going to act, it needs to be sooner rather than later so you don't waste the new bosses time or yours.

God still has good things in store for you. Maybe it was down here, not up there.

Anonymous said...

Kev, whats the story...Have you moved back, or are you gonna stay???? We're waiting in suspense!!!