Wednesday, October 04, 2006

You Have the Right to Remain Stupid

OK, I am getting tired of nearly getting run off the road by bad drivers. Today a guy went clear through a red light on Lougheed Highway, and nearly clipped the front end of the car I was driving. He was gonna get his though, because I chased him for 10 minutes while on the phone with the police who were on the way to intercept him when i went back to work. Serves him right for being an idiot. Some people should not be allowed to drive at all.


Anonymous said...

No kidding! My dad and I almost got hit last night coming home from church!

Anonymous said...

kevin bacon: officer of the law

Anonymous said...

We really need to get those bad drivers off the road!

DJK said...

This may be a bit of a sore issue for some, but ICBC really needs to start doing some sort of random drivers test program, where they pull someones name from the system and give them a drivers test. I'll bet you that at least 30% of those tested would fail, taking that 30% of idiot drivers off the road...

Anonymous said...

We need more citizens like you! I wish I could drive.

PS. Always keep two wheels on the road

Sam Sullivan