Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Well, its wednesday, the week is half over.....even with the day off we just had for thanksgiving, the end of the week, and a start of a free weekend is soon at hand. I have decided after much thought, that boy i need to get in shape. I look back at my yearbook picture, and I just flinch. I realized that I really let myself go since highschool, and need to re-evaluate what I am doing. I have therefore decided to go on a diet, and do exercises, and get into better shape. I was going to make it a new years resolution, but I'm not gonna wait that long to start. I am hoping that I can reach my goal by next summertime. The tough part will be the restrictions I am going to put on myself, like cutting certain foods out, and drink way less pop. I drink a tonne of pop right now, that its not even funny. Anyways, I must get some stuff done because I have work in a few hours, so I shall blog again soon.


Anonymous said...

Kevin Bacon runs across Canada

DJK said...

ok, i wouldn't go as far as running across the nation, but walking around the neighborhood every week won't kill me.....or will

Ginger Ale said...

hahaha, nice anon...
Anyways, I'm proud of ur decion.
We will be encouraging you all the way!

Anonymous said...

Good luck Kevin!

Anonymous said...
