Wednesday, July 18, 2007

OK, I have had enough

Ok, here is my most recent update. I just came back from being in Summerland this weekend, and I am annoyed. It was my b-day on Saturday the 14th, and I went up there to spend it with my friends up there, but only ended up hanging out with 2 of my friends on my bday. So I was a little annoyed that no one else came out, but whatever. The most annoying thing was my car was acting wierd. I managed to get it home (I dont know how I did it but I made it) and I have decided, that I am now getting rid of the car. I have had enough of forking out money to repair it. So, I am gonna sell it for cheap, and then in a few months I will have saved up a good amount of money to put a down payment on a newer car. I have had enough of screwing around with old cars. They cost too much so I would rather get a new one.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

i am still alive

Yes people, I am still alive...I know I haven't been posting, but when you have a day job to do, plus try to run a business in the evenings, there really isnt much time for trivial things such as blogs. I will try to update when I can, but no guarantees.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

You know What Really Grinds My Gears?

Y0u know what really grinds my gears? People who decide that it is ok to take what someone says in a blog entry and turn it into an insult against the blogger. You know what? It is not fair. I mean, someone makes a general statement about how young teens dress, and maybe gives a fashion tip or 2, and then you turn it around and make some crack about the blogger's weight? I don't mind people having an opinion on what I have to say, but when you take something like that, and then verbally insult the blogger with the intent of hurting their feelings, that is just wrong. And what makes that worse is you don't even have the guts to sign your name to the comment. You just shield yourself behind being anonymous. If you don't like what I have to say, then fine, but don't be rude. If you do have a problem with what I have to say or want to voice your opinion, then at least put your name to your comments. To comment on someones blog and insult them without putting your name is a sign that you are a coward.

Monday, May 28, 2007

New Grind my Gears Segment

You know what really Grinds my Gears? These people who think it is cool to break into someones vehicle and steal stuff....I mean, come on...get a frigging life....I realize you are just trying to support a habit or whatever, but don't break into my vehicle to support it....I have 2 words for whoever was the one who broke into my truck and stole my vacuum, but I cannot say those words. All I can say is you better hope that if you have the balls to attempt to get into my truck again, that you get away quickly, and aren't caught on camera otherwise you will have trouble. And thats what Grinds my Gears.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Grind's My Gears

You know what really grinds my gears? These young teenage girls who wander around wearing almost nothing showing off what they have....I mean come on, you are basically still a kid....wear something more appropriate for your age. Yeah I know, you are just trying to get attention, well let me tell you this chicky, you are definitely getting attention, but it isn't the type of attention you should want. Its annoying to see people who are in there early to mid teens (13-16) who just flaunt what they have. You are still basically a kid! Act your age and wear something appropriate for your age group. Sheesh. Nobody should wear stuff that reveals too much. And here is another tip for you young teens who are, how should I put this, umm......more....gifted in the chest area.....maybe the flimsy paper thin t-shirt isn't for you...especially if you don't choose to wear a bra.....if you choose to wear a shirt like that, wear a bra....nobody wants to see your reaction to the fact that it is cold outside. And that's what grinds my gears. Stay tuned for more of "Grind My Gear's"

Monday, April 09, 2007

I have returned

Ok everyone, just to make things clear, I have returned. And I am enjoying being back....Even though I enjoyed living in the Okanagan for a week, I am glad to be home amongst all my friends, and back behind the sound board at cariboo :)

Monday, April 02, 2007

first day of work

Ok, first day of work....well, it was a good day, all the concerns I had about being away from home was ok. I didnt even think about it all day. However, I just dont think this job is for me. My knee is killing me so bad. I think i am going to work one more day, and then end up leaving that job. I just dont think I can handle it with my knee. So, I will most likely be coming home easter weekend. At least I can get my old job back with Enterprise. I left on good terms and have an open door there for me.