Thursday, March 08, 2007

definate life change

Alright, I have left you people in suspense long enough :) .....I will now reveal to the people who read this blog, who were not present at sunday night's meeting at Cariboo. I announced that I had a job interview and that if I got the job, i would be moving. Well, I got the job after only being there for 10 minutes (very short interview), and me and a couple friends found a house to rent. Its a nice house and it is only $1200 a month including utilities. The kicker about all of this, is I will be moving away from Vancouver. I am going to be moving up to the Okanagan. More specifically, Summerland. So, Mark Touzeau, if you are reading this, I am in your territory now! Take that! Ha.


Karyn Baker said...

Congrats, Kevin! I heard the news from Michael on Thursday. We'll miss you but it sounds like you're excited about the changes ahead. Nice!

Anonymous said...


Even though you may leave us, you will indeed be sketched into our hearts forever.

The ladies in Summerland should watch out! Kevin "The Stud" Bacon is on the prowl!

Christine said...

to anon- LOL.....hehehe!

Congrats Kevin! I know you will be happy and I am insanely jealous that you will get to wake up to that view every morning!! lol