Saturday, March 31, 2007

I made it

Ok, just so everyone is aware, I made it safely to Penticton. It only took me 4 hours, and my car was fully loaded room for anything else...i almost didnt fit

Friday, March 30, 2007

Well, this is it folks

Well, this is final night in vancouver. I leave tomorrow morning for Penticton. I found a place to live, at least for a month, so it is all good. It is definately going to be wierd for the first little while being away, but I will adjust. I already have connections to a church (Penticton Corps). The place I will be at has wireless internet, so I hope it works. I will try to blog as often as possible, and I will be on msn. Anyways, I must depart from this blog station as I need to go to the church to do sound for my last worship event for a long time. I will talk to all of you later.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Dangit All!!!

Ok, that place in Penticton fell through. So, I am still looking for a place to live...and I have less than one week. I still have a couple of leads, so I am quite sure I will find something before I start my new job.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Sitting on Pins and Needles

Ok, here is the new situation with the whole new job in Summerland.....I have been unable to find a house or whatever to live in, in summerland....however, I have met with a very nice couple who basically just bought their first house, and are looking to rent 2 rooms out so they can ease the burden of the bills. So, I met with them today in Penticton (yes the place is in Penticton) and they seem like a nice couple. They seem to like me, and were impressed with the fact that I brought 5 different reference letters. The vibe I was getting from them was that they wanted to give me the place right away, but they said that they want to be fair to the other people who also applied by meeting with them too....He said he will phone me tomorrow night to let me know the decision. I am hoping they say yes......the house is a 10 minute walk to the mall, and best of all, a 2 minute walk to Skaha Beach. Suntan in the summertime on the beach! :D I am hoping I get it....otherwise, I am somewhat screwed...I have a week to find a place if this doesnt work out. But I'm sure it will work out, so I am praying hard for it.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

definate life change

Alright, I have left you people in suspense long enough :) .....I will now reveal to the people who read this blog, who were not present at sunday night's meeting at Cariboo. I announced that I had a job interview and that if I got the job, i would be moving. Well, I got the job after only being there for 10 minutes (very short interview), and me and a couple friends found a house to rent. Its a nice house and it is only $1200 a month including utilities. The kicker about all of this, is I will be moving away from Vancouver. I am going to be moving up to the Okanagan. More specifically, Summerland. So, Mark Touzeau, if you are reading this, I am in your territory now! Take that! Ha.