Sunday, October 15, 2006

A Poem I Found

This is a poem I found tonite when I was kinda in a bitter mood, and was looking at some bitterness quotes.

When you get what you want in your struggle for
self and the world make you king for a day
just go to the mirror and look at yourself
and see what that man has to say.

For it isn't your father or mother or wife
whose judgement upon you must pass.
The fellow whose verdict counts most in
your life is the one staring back from the glass.

Some people may think your a straight
shootin' chum and call you a wonderful guy.
But the man in the glass says you're only
a bum if you can't look him straight in the eye.

He's the fellow to please, nevermind all the rest
for he's with you clear up to the end,
and you've passed your most dangerous, difficult test
if the man in the glass is your friend.

You may fool the whole world down the pathway of life,
and get pats on the back as you go,
But your final reward will be heartaches and tears
if you've cheated the man in the glass.
~Author Unknown~

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Well, its wednesday, the week is half over.....even with the day off we just had for thanksgiving, the end of the week, and a start of a free weekend is soon at hand. I have decided after much thought, that boy i need to get in shape. I look back at my yearbook picture, and I just flinch. I realized that I really let myself go since highschool, and need to re-evaluate what I am doing. I have therefore decided to go on a diet, and do exercises, and get into better shape. I was going to make it a new years resolution, but I'm not gonna wait that long to start. I am hoping that I can reach my goal by next summertime. The tough part will be the restrictions I am going to put on myself, like cutting certain foods out, and drink way less pop. I drink a tonne of pop right now, that its not even funny. Anyways, I must get some stuff done because I have work in a few hours, so I shall blog again soon.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

You Have the Right to Remain Stupid

OK, I am getting tired of nearly getting run off the road by bad drivers. Today a guy went clear through a red light on Lougheed Highway, and nearly clipped the front end of the car I was driving. He was gonna get his though, because I chased him for 10 minutes while on the phone with the police who were on the way to intercept him when i went back to work. Serves him right for being an idiot. Some people should not be allowed to drive at all.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

my roller coaster weekend

Well, this was a very interesting weekend for me, and it all started with thursday evening. I have had ups and downs this weekend. On thursday night, i blew the subwoofer in my car, which as many of you know, I really love my bass in my car :). Friday was an ok day, and was an awesome evening. I was at a party at the office until like 10:30, then came home and slept. Saturday was cool during the day going out to White Rock to see Mark and Naomi, and who can forget little Caleb :). I ended up getting replacement subs which are awesome. Then there was saturday night. I went to worship invasion which was held at Glad Tidings church in vancouver. It was such an awesome night. For the first time in my christian life, I felt God really really strongly. I have felt his presence before, but never like saturday night. Now onto sunday. I went with the family out to surrey to a relatives place for a baby shower for my new cousin, who is so adorable, and he had the cutest little baby mohawk. We went to leave from there to go to church, and my car wouldnt start. We got it jumped, and eventually got to church. Once there I shut it off, and then tried to start it again and it would not start. Needless to say, it was bad. I eventually with help from darren got it started, where at that time I drove it to my mechanic's shop and he fixed it today, which cost me like almost $300. The whole problem was the starter. Oh, and in reference to my last posting where I described my vision that I had and have had continuing, well I had another part of it revealed to me at WI. I'm still trying to sort it out, so I will post it in a not to distant future blog.