Friday, December 08, 2006

In a good mood

Well, I quit one of my jobs this week (due to stuff I'm not going to talk about) and I feel great. I have felt better all week. I have been getting more sleep, and I have more free time to do what I want and to hang out with my friends. I still work during the day for ERAC, and thats cool, but I have enjoyed having my time back...Its great to be able to sleep properly at night, and to feel less stressed out. :)

Sunday, December 03, 2006


I just don't get women....i don't understand their logic...You flirt with someone a lot, and hug them and show interest in them, and when they are gonna ask you out, you decide to introduce them to your new b/f?? like, what the heck man! You lead us on, and when we get up the courage to ask you out, you decide before we ask, that your going to break our hearts? sheesh.....