Saturday, September 30, 2006

yeah, i blog now

Well, life as I know it seems to be at a crawl. Its the typical stuff that everyone goes through. You know what I, church, personal time...that kinda thing. Well, work is as usual, busy and annoying. I am being kept at 35 hours per week, and called part time, so that they don't need to call me full time and pay me benefits. I think it sucks, but with the amount of people moving around at work right now I can't tackle that issue until things settle down again in like 2 weeks. About a month ago I went on a camping trip/work related trip to the kootneys. It was a lot of fun spending time with some of the people from work outside of the work environment. We went up to pick up some of our trucks and SUV's that were rented for the forest fire up there, so we made a weekend out of it. I had lots of fun. The first night there, I slept in the back of an SUV, which was so comfortable, once I found the right position to lay in. I decided to have a cd playing very quietly when i was going to sleep. Dont worry, the vehicle I used had one of those systems where you turn it on with the key, and then turn the key off and pull it out, and the stereo would stay on for like 15 minutes then shut off. I was listening to a trance cd, and stared up at the stars. It was a clear and beautiful night. I got to one song on the cd, and for some reason I had a vision when it was playing. I heard the song, and I saw myself sitting on a mountain top overlooking a valley. It kind of looked like something out of a movie where the camera pans from looking at the sun, and then slowly moves down to the main character...I dont know what it was supposed to mean, but I have had that same vision again lately, with something else added into, upset, and running down a deserted street in the pouring rain....I just dont know what to make of it, and I really would like to know what it meant. Well, now that my hands are cramping from typing, i am going to say farewell for now my friends.

Kevin B